To get the best results from raising animals, we need to make sure that we give them the best nutrition possible. It is not just limiting to the quality and proportions of the food, but also to the combination of nutrients. For farmers who raise animals, food optimization is essential for business success: the income, strongly depends on the quality and price.
In the recent conditions caused by the drought of 2020, epidemiological and economic crisis, finding the most optimal animal food can be an asset that makes a difference. On the market of the Republic of Moldova there is an ecological product with a high efficiency, specifically – a natural protein supplement with the potential to develop the farmers’ business – KERAMEAL.
KERAMEAL – Natural protein with a high rate of assimilation
A vital component of the diet for both animals and humans are proteins, which ensure tissue growth, firmness, provide energy and support the health of the immune system. In the case of animal farms, it is essential that proteins are assimilated quickly and efficiently by animals. Precisely for this purpose was created the bird feather protein concentrate KERAMEAL, produced by SRL Terafix.
The product has a high level of assimilable proteins and a long durability without risk of contamination. Thanks to the affordable and advantageous price it can replace other protein products and, at the same time, help to protect the environment. Did I intrigue you? We want to explain further the benefits of the product.
Advantages of bird feather protein concentrate
Within the project of determining the digestibility of the product in vivo, in partnership with the Agrarian University of Moldova and the Academy of Sciences of Moldova, were determined a series of benefits and advantages of this protein concentrate:
- Ecological and biodegradable product.
- A content of over 82% protein, with a moisture content of 10.2%, and over 90% protein in the dry product.
- It is based on both essential and non-essential amino acids.
- Important antioxidant potential that leads to increased animal immunity.
- In vivo digestibility of over 80%.
- Bacteriological level is well below the admissible limits.
- Does not require special storage conditions.
- Long shelf life.
- It is very easy to transport.
- It is easily introduced into the feed ration, without further processing.
How do we get the protein concentrate from bird feather?
We all know what bird feathers are, what they look like and where we find them. In some bird species, feathers represent up to 5% of their body weight. The meat industry results in very large quantities of feathers, which are called by-products (are not intended for human consumption). It is this by-product that is use to create the protein concentrate. The feathers are made of keratin, a fibrous protein that in vivo has a digestibility of less than 12%, and KERAMEAL – the protein concentrate obtained from the fermentation process offers an in vivo digestibility of over 80%.
How do we get it? KERAMEAL is obtained by processing with the help of its own patented technology. The whole process has two basic steps. The first is related to biotechnology. This is where the feather fermentation process takes place over a few hours, for this purpose being created special conditions as temperature, humidity and continuous mixing. In the second stage, the fermented intermediate is exposed to conditions of extreme turbulence. Here takes place the simultaneously grinding and drying of the finished product at low temperatures.
A safe product from a local manufacturer
The protein concentrate is subjected to systematic analyzes regarding the level of bacteriological infection, antibiotic residues and heavy metals, the level of protein, humidity and fats, both in the country and abroad.
“Over the years we have gained a rich experience about including protein concentrate from bird feather in animal food.
If we refer to the positive feedback obtained from the companies using KERAMEAL in the daily ration of pets, fur animals, fish farmers and others, this encourages and motivates us to develop further, even in times of economic crisis and pandemic”, says Denis Anton, CEO of Terafix.
Starting with 2012, Terafix company uses and processes 3rd category animal by-products on the territory of the Republic of Moldova. Since 2017, Terafix owns and produces exclusively, through innovative processes, equipment for processing bird feathers. Currently, the company is focused on the installation and use of such technology lines in the European Union and Ukraina, where it intends to increase its processing capacity based on a larger amount of raw material.